
我見影樹多嫵媚 (I see the burning flame in the forest)

路過, 遇見這一片絕色.

便佇立那橋上良久, 為追看那午後太陽在燃燒似火的影樹梢間移動的光影,

而初夏偶吹來的風, 為那殷紅亮綠帶來更多端的明暗變幻.

忽然, 又灑下一陣驟雨, 水珠大把大把地從亭亭如蓋的樹冠散落.

人生難料, 就讓那驟來驟散的光影風雨在身上搖曳吧, 任由它自成一道風景.


Passing by, I came upon this stunning scene.

I stood on the bridge for a long time, to catch the light of the afternoon sun moving through the burning Delonix regia

And the occasional early summer breeze brought more shades of light to the bright red and green of this tree.

Suddenly, another shower of rain fell, and the droplets of water scattered from the canopy of the trees.

Life is unpredictable, so let the wind and rain come and go sway on us, and let it be a landscape of its own in our life. 

Even if you are the only one to see it.