
淅瀝雨聲(In the pattering rain)

     喜歡在雨中徜徉山林,淅瀝聲中,萬象為水,水為萬象;耳中滿是簌簌雨聲和打在樹葉上的水滴聲音, 可內心卻無比寧靜,仔細看著田田的葉子上佈滿晶瑩璀璨的水珠,如同晶亮剔透的寶石,可賞,卻不需擁有; 可遇,卻不可留, 就如我們在地上倏忽的一生。憶起唐朝詩人白居易的花非花詩中的最後兩句....


     I like wandering in the forest in the rain. With the sound of drizzling rain, the water poured over the surroundings yet nurtured the earth. I heard nothing but the pattering rain in which I quietly watched the beautiful world of water. My soul was entirely in peace. I closely watched the water droplets on the leaves. They were crystal clear and liked twinkling gems.‎ I could only keep their imagery as possible in my mind, but I didn't need to collect or possess them. They came and went in a second, like our short earthly stay. I recalled the last two verses of Bai Juyi's poem "A Flower in Haze"... 

   She came like a vernal dream that could not stay.
   She went like a morning cloud that left no trace. 
  (A renowned Chinese poet BaiJuyi of Tang Dynasty 772-846)


歲首漫步Strolling in a Melaleuca Forest on New Year's Day


在祂所創造的美麗光明物裡,得享久違的當下,所有內心紛擾愁煩,都像千層樹一樣, 層層脫落,天天更生,歲歲崢嶸。

May all our sorrow and anxiety shed layers like these Malecuara trees in the new year.





     影片中的每一個人,都是以車為家,在物質上幾乎一無所有。他們背後都有故事。他們大多無依無靠,又或者不想依靠別人;有些人甚至經歷過創傷。但他們並不把自己與其他人隔離開來。 當人們一無所有時,他們珍惜在路上遇到的人,慷慨地分享他們的一切,相互支援,但又保持獨立。 他們散聚隨緣,深信將會在路上定會再遇。

    即使Fern有兩次機會在家中定居,一個是她姐姐的地方,另一個是要求她留下的男人。她選擇了繼續在荒野中的旅程。 我想,當Fern的丈夫離開後,她意識到沒有一個人類的[家]再能容納她寬廣的心。 當她所愛的人離開後,她把生命皈依了天地。







鳥人相遇 (When a bird meets a human being)

今午近黃昏時,我坐在大學校園的安靜的湖畔, 坐在兩棵水松間的長椅上做靜觀祈祷。





     至今我仍然驚異著這小生命的強大意識。正如Dr. Jane Goodall 曾說: 人類並非大地上唯一擁有智慧,思想與情感的生物。

More than a Bird

     This afternoon I sat on the bench between the two pines on the lake's shore on the university campus, practising contemplating prayer. 

     Birds were chirping, and the fountain in the middle of the lake was singing. I enjoyed the serenity so much that I fell into a deep silence quickly. 

     Sooner there was an intensive bird chirping sound emerged very close to me. The chirping sound was intensified as if something had happened. It eventually aroused my attention. I opened my eyes and found that a little Gracupica Nigricollis was staying near the bench. It looked up at me, with its beak wide open, chirping vigorously at me as if it would not stop until I responded. 

     I look at this fantastic little creature incredulously. I couldn't resist my bad habit of taking out my mobile phone to record it. I guessed that my motionless figure in the sky blue trench coat had made this bird think that I was a strange creature other than human that it had never seen before. Hence, it was curious and tried to test my response with its call. 

     This little thing was disappointing because I am just a human being that it always comes across on the campus. I was nothing special to it. 

    I should have to talk to it instead of taking out my cell phone. I've missed such an excellent opportunity to interact with a bird. However, I am honoured to be an object of this little bird's curiosity as it sees me a part of nature. 

    I am still amazed by this little bird with such great consciousness. As Dr Jane Goodall said: "Human being is not the only creatures with wisdom, thoughts and emotion. 


靜聽自然 (Only in silence, we can listen to the story behind nature.)



     我走了六七公里, 這片森林是自然保護區,四周都是巨大的古樹。 我總是喜歡一個人在山林間徒步。 我可以聽得見淙淙的溪水,到處都有啁啾鳥鳴,還可以環手擁抱巨大的老樹,親炙其嶙峋壯厚的軀幹。 只有在寂靜中,我才能聽到大自然的故事。走到開闊地,陽光照在我身上,全身暖和,讓人有愉悅之感。 每一片葉子都在漸往下落的日影中閃爍,遍山生輝,洋溢著光明與暖意。微風在樹梢間輕嘯,踏在鋪滿落葉的山徑上,是生命榮枯之間的相遇;在森林的四季變化中,我也只是其中的一部分。 我也在經歷著人生的四季。 說到底,我也是山路上的一片落葉,終有一天輪到自己化作春泥,以另一個形態滋養其他生物,迎接下一個春天的到來。 ‎

     每次從森林回來,我的所有感官都被期間的聲音和景象所充滿: 風嘯,鳥鳴,流水,葉舞,苔痕,隱藏在林間的各種生命氣息,充份地體驗活在當下,這的確是一場療效非凡的森林浴。


     When I poke my head out of the quilt these mornings, the thermometer reads around 10 degrees Celsius, which is the real winter we have been missing for a long time.

     Yesterday it was so cold that I went hiking alone in the afternoon in a native forest not far from home. It was a very effective way to keep myself warm, and the more I walked, the warmer I got, and the more I wanted to keep going.

     I walked six or seven kilometres through this forest, a nature reserve, surrounded by giant old trees. I always like to hike alone in the mountains and forests. I could hear the murmuring streams, the chirping birds everywhere, and I could hug the vast old trees around me and touch their twisted, thick trunks. Only in the silence can I hear the stories of nature. As I walk out into the open, the sun shines on me, warming my body and giving me a sense of pleasure. Every leaf shone in the falling sunlight, and the hills glowed with light and warmth. The breeze whistles through the treetops, and when I step on the path covered with fallen leaves, it is an encounter between the glory of life and death.

     Amid the changing seasons of the forest, I am only a part of it. I am also experiencing the seasons of life. In the end, I am also a fallen leaf on the mountain path, and one day it will be my turn to turn into spring mud, to take another form to nourish other creatures and welcome the next spring. 

     Every time I come back from the forest, all my senses are filled with the sounds and sights: the wind whistling, the birds chirping, the water flowing, the leaves dancing, the moss traces, the various scents of life hidden in the forest, and the full experience of living in the present.


願我靈平安(May my soul be well)




       一個冬日早晨,溪區的每一種生物都非常活躍。那是一個非凡的時刻:鳥兒在鳴叫,漣漪在眨眼,魚兒在游動,竹樹葉子在跳舞,水往深流,晨風在吹: 一切美麗光明物。這是我踐行 " 活在當下 " 的最佳光景。所有的畫面、聲音和感覺都存留在我的記憶中至今。

       身處大自然中, 無比幸福; 且是免費的,並能醫治疲累的心

      I am always fascinated by the reflection of the water.

    In one early winter morning, every creature in the stream area was still very active. It was a fantastic moment: birds chirping, ripples winking, fish swimming, bamboo leaves dancing, water flowing deep, the morning breeze blowing.  All things are bright and beautiful. This is the optimal moment for me to practice "live in the moment".  All the images, sounds and sensations remain in my memory till now. 

   Nature is indeed a blessing to us. It is free for everyone, and it heals the weary.


水靜流深(Still water, flows deep)


祂知道 (He Know)


那些此刻需要祂, 那些暫時未需要祂, 並終有一天需要祂的人:

只需要像無助的小孩呼求祂的名: [噢, 耶穌基督。], 尤其當我們無從向祂說起的時候。

祂在聆聽。祂知道我們的內心, 並所有處境中的每個隱情。



讓我們如無助的小孩般求告:[ 噢, 耶穌基督。]

願藉此溫柔的呼求, 讓我們尋回那份初始而又溫柔的關係。

I would like to present this video to those who need Him now, to those who do not need Him at the moment, and to those who may need Him in the future:

Just call on His name like a helpless child: [Oh, Jesus Christ.] especially when we find no way of speaking to Him.

He is listening. He knows our hearts and every hidden emotion in all our situations.

He knew us long before we were born, and He is a Father who listens eagerly to us.

When we simply ask His name, He smile and listen.

Let us ask like a helpless child: [ Oh, Jesus Christ].

May this gentle cry bring us back to that original and tender relationship.


清晨歌: 一首茁自泥土的中國詩歌(The Morning Song: An Old Chinese Hymn Grown from the Soil)



        我曾在昔日的工作崗位上,為兒童選了一首70年代由Cat Steven所唱作的Morning has broken,作為早上聚會的前奏曲,其實在我心目中,卻一直另有一首更切合的歌,惟因那是一間沒宗教信仰的機構,便選了這首來自西方的優美晨歌替代。
           我心中的歌,便是由中國人所寫的古老詩歌: 清晨歌,這是一首我自六歲開始懂唱,但能牢記一生的詩歌,與此詩相繫於記憶中的,不光是童年的回憶,而是天天誦唱下深植於心靈的訓勉。




          這所面海新蓋在山坡上的基督教小學, 每天早會,數百個小學生擠站水洩不通的有蓋操場
      裡,集會鈴聲過後,孩子們從操場各角落走到禮堂前方,按班別排隊站立在地下禮台前,我讀小一時,班級站立處多靠近禮台,故常可清楚看到穿著旗袍的老師,坐在那神聖而小孩不能亂碰的鋼琴前用心彈奏,樂聲響起,幾百個穿著白恤藍斜衭白布鞋的窮家小孩,捧著那本印有一雙祈禱的合掌的詩歌祈禱集,精神抖擞地合唱著這首全校金曲: [清晨歌],每晨都響徹整個加惠民道。




      和: 范天祥
      譯: 范天祥夫人

      清早起來看,紅日出東方;(Rise to greet the sun, reddening in the sky,)
      雄壯像勇士,美好像新郎;(Warrior-like and strong, comely as a groom.)
      天高鳥飛過,地闊野花香;(Birds pass high in flight, Fragrant flowers now bloom;)
      促我勤工作,天父有恩光。(With the gracious light,  my toil resume.)

      懇求聖天父,時刻靠耶穌;(Father, I implore, Safely keep this child,)
      行為能良善,顏色會和溫;(Make my conduct good, Actions calm and mild)
      虛心教小輩,克己敬年尊;(Venerating age, humbling teaching youth.)
      常常勤服務,表明天父恩。(Always serving Thee, Sharing Thy rich Truth.)
      但願今天好,時刻靠耶穌,(May this day be blest; Trusting Jesus' love.)

      頭上青天在,心中惡念無;(My heart's freed from ill, Fair blue sky's above.)
      樂得布衣暖,不嫌麥飯粗;(Glad for a cotton coat, Plain food satisfies;)
      千千萬萬事,樣樣主幫扶。(All my countless needs, Thy kind hand supplies.)



            此詩於我的魅力,除了對那[紅日出東方,雄壯像勇士,美好像新郎。]中呈現大自然壯麗的描述感到喜悅(後來更醒覺[新郎]的另義其實是指基督,趙紫宸巧妙地將之寫作暗喻),還有對[天高鳥飛過,地闊野花香]遼闊田園大地的嚮往,稍長,我更愛[頭上青天在,心中惡念無。]的純潔境界,而且第二句的句式有異於平常接觸的課本句子,唱的時候份外讓我注意,還有當中惇樸積極的生活:[ 樂得布衣暖,不嫌麥飯粗。],貧乏中感知足與激勵的活潑。作為小孩,[虛心教小輩,克己敬年尊。]雖較難體驗,但都知道是需要實踐的好訓勉,當年意義難懂,但詞句卻終身未忘。


            趙紫宸在 [清晨歌]中所寫的詞,以靠天靠地的黃土庶民的刻苦生活作背景,以知足感恩,克己敬勤,凡事倚靠,凡事謝恩作主題,並以勞動仁愛推動充滿盼望的生活,而上世紀三十年代,正值民國政治紛亂,列強環伺,以農為務的千千萬萬黎民,從歲首到年終,一生默默辛勤,都僅能糊口。

            趙紫宸是二十世紀中國最優秀的神學家,大半生都身體力行,一生著作甚豐。他祖籍浙江省德清縣人,生於一個小商人的家,後因家道中落,曾隨父從商,十五歲時入讀蘇州的教會學校萃英書院,西方教育對他產生一定的影響。 之後考進監理會辦的東吳大學,一九零七年受洗成為基督徒,並於1914年赴美留學, 主修社會學及哲學, 1916及1917年相繼獲得社會學碩士及神道學學士學位。回國後歷任東吳大學及燕京大學,在宗教學院任教,兼教中文。趙紫宸曾在香港被聖公會按立為牧師。 趙子宸曾於日本侵華時期被囚半年後獲釋。抗戰後,趙子宸復職於燕大,1947年獲美國普林斯頓大學頒授榮譽神學博士學位。但在此後的多場政治運動中,趙紫宸遭囚,1979年11月,即是在獲釋放後的數個月,於北京病逝。
        1. 聖詩必須是具體的,使會眾唱時能心口合一。
        2. 要簡潔明瞭,淺白易懂,老少咸宜,雅俗共賞。
        3. 含有中國民族性,融合國人的日常生活環境。
        4. 基于聖經,能表達真誠的宗教經驗,並當讚美神。
        5. 每一首詩應該是一篇講章。





        The Morning Song: An Old Chinese Hymn Grown from the Soil

        A Legacy of Life

            There are always sounds and imageries in our lives that remain in our minds as we grow up. Some of them evoke images of our past, and others teach us for the rest of our lives.

             In my former job, I chose a song for the children whom I served: Morning has Broken by Cat Steven from the 1970s, as a prelude to the morning assembly every day.

             The song I have in mind is an old poem written by a Chinese theologian, Zhao Zichen (1888-1979). The Morning Song, an ancient Chinese hymn which I have known since I was six years old. Till now I can remember it and in the rest of my life. This hymn reminds me of my difficult childhood and the exhortations deep in my heart when I recitals it every day.

             Many Protestant churches in Hong Kong have adopted popular hymns. In contrast, the more traditional churches still sing Youth Hymns or universal hymnals, many of which are Irish folk tunes from the 17th and 18th centuries.

             However, it is easy to forget the hymns written for the hard-pressed Chinese to praise the Lord. While people of a certain age may still be able to speak of old hymns from the 1930s, those of the Christian baby boomers may have a vague memory of early morning hymns. At the same time, they may not be unheard of by the X, Y, Z generation, they may feel that they are just old and out of date. The Chinese tunes are out of place in a very westernized Hong Kong.

             My primary education was at the S. K. H. (Church of England) Primary School in Kennedy Town. With the rapid expansion of population on Hong Kong Island, the city was spreading to the island west in the first twenty years after WWII. The whole western district filled with obnoxious urban back-up facilities, like the gas drums, cattle and pig farms, chicken and duck pens, vegetable markets, slaughterhouses and rice barging factories. Many of the population depended for their livelihood.

             Every morning, hundreds of pupils stood in the covered playground of this newly built Christian primary school, a seven-story building facing the seafront.

             After the assembly bell, the children walked from all corners of the playground to the assembly hall's front, when we sang "The Morning Song", our spirits soared up. The beautiful singing echoed on the hill. It became a School ritual that we hardly forget after leaving school. 

             As a little child, I didn't know much about this song. Whenever I thought of it as an adult, it was only because of the beautiful sentiments and teachings that it held in my heart. Still, I did not know much about the background of the song. The lyrics go like this:

        The Morning Song 

        Lyrics: Zhao Zichen (1888-1979)

        Song: Hu De Ai

        Harmony: Fan Tianxiang

        Translated by: Mrs Fan Tianxiang

        Published: 1931


        Rise to greet the sun, reddening in the sky, early in the morning

        Warrior-like and strong, comely as a groom.

        Birds pass high in flight, Fragrant flowers now bloom;)

        Urging me to work hard, the Father has a Gloria light. (With the Gloria light, my toil resume.)


        Father, I implore, Safely keep this child,

        Make my conduct right, Actions calm and mild.

        I am venerating age, humbling teaching youth.

        Always serve diligently to show the Father's kindness.

        May God bless this day; Trusting Jesus' love.


        My heart is free from evil, Fair blue sky above.

        Glad for the cotton coat, Plain food satisfies;

        Glad for the cotton coat, Plain food satisfies; 

        All my countless needs, Thy kind hand supplies.

        Grown from the Soil

             I have an inexplicable affinity for "Morning Song". Among the long and profound foreign poems in the hymnbook, this Chinese hymn's tone was simple and easy for children to understand. I love them even more than the Anglican School song that we sang in important events. Compare with "The Morning Song", the children of different ages understood the specific imagery and the rhyming lyrics were easy to remember. Although during my primary education, I only met one or two loving and caring teachers. I loved the happy scene described in the "Morning Song". It slightly alleviates the unpleasant impression of my school life in the past when the teacher-student ratio was extremely unsatisfactory, and corporal punishment was a common occurrence. I was very introvert. I always stayed in a far corner of the playground to avoid noise and be bumped into other children. Once we sang along with the piano melody of "Morning Song", I could feel that I was part of the group.

             Although no one ever explained the words and read them for us, as I moved up to the senior primary, this hymn revealed its divine meaning more in-depth.

             The charm of this hymn was in its vivid imagery: [red sun rising in the east, majestic as a warrior, beautiful as a bridegroom.] I later realized that the notion of "bridegroom" actually refers to Christ. Zhao Zichen cleverly wrote as a metaphor and the longing for the vast and idyllic land [ The birds fly in the high sky, the land is enormous and the wildflowers fragrant ].

             Later, when I was a bit older, I love the deep meaning of "The sky is above my head, but there are no evil thoughts in my heart." The second stanza's definition is different from the textbook stanzas that I usually come across. The simplicity and positivity of life in the stanza: "I am happy to be warm in cloth, I do not mind the wheat and rice coarseness".

             The simplicity and positivity of life also struck me: "I was happy to be warmed by cloth; I did not mind the coarseness of wheat and rice". As a child, the teachers used to teach us to be humble and respectful to people. Although it was rather abstract to a child, we all know that we need to practice the excellent conduct. Despite its profound meaning, I have never forgotten the lyrics.

             In the 1930s, the Republic of China was in political turmoil and under the Japanese invasion. Millions of peasants could make ends meet from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, having worked hard in silence all their lives.

        Nurturing People with Poets

             Zhao Zichen was one of China's most outstanding theologians in the 20th century. They spent most of his life in the field and wrote extensively. He was born in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, to a family of small businessmen. At the age of fifteen, he enrolled in Zuiying College, a church school in Suzhou, influenced by Western education. He was baptized as a Christian in 1907. He went to study in the United States in 1914, where he majored in sociology and philosophy and received a master's degree in sociology and a bachelor's degree in theology in 1916 and 1917. Upon his return to China, he taught at Soochow University and Yanjing University, where he taught Chinese and religious studies. Zhao Zichen was ordained as a priest in Hong Kong by the Anglican Church. He was released after being imprisoned for six months during the Japanese invasion of China. After the war, he resumed his studies at Yen University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in theology by Princeton University in 1947. In November 1979, a few months after his release, he died in Beijing after a long illness.

             Zhao Zichen was an accomplished Chinese writer and poet. Still, many of his poems were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution in the last century. He advocated that the Chinese church should be self-sufficient and self-supporting, and should not rely entirely on the West, but should also have indigenous poetry. Zhao believes that there should be several principles for poetry, for example:

        ·   The hymns must be specific so that the congregation can sing them with one heart and one mouth.

        ·   They should be simple and straightforward, easy to understand, suitable for young and old alike, and appreciated by both the literati and the ordinary people.

        ·   It should be Chinese and blend in with the Chinese people's everyday environment, particular the peasants.

        ·   It should be based on the Bible, express a sincere religious experience, and praise God.

        ·   Each poem should be a sermon.

        A Life from the Morning Song

             Let's take a closer look at the Morning Song's lyrics. We can find that it aimed at the ordinary people who did not have the opportunity to receive formal education in those days. It showed respect to hardships of the peasants. "Rising in the dawn, taking care of the field, returning home with a hoe in the moonlight, the self-respect, the self-reliance in a life of deprivation, and the wholehearted reliance on the Heavenly Father. Zhao Zichen exemplifies these principles. So the Methodist Church in the USA has included an English version of this song in its hymnbook. The only hymn that the congregation sing whenever Chinese visitors come to their church as a gesture of welcome.

             Zhao Zichen might not know that during the time of his suffering and imprisonment. On a small island off South China's border. A group of poor children sang his hymn with one mouth every morning on a small island off South China's edge. After many decades, one of those children never forgot this song in all her moments of troubles and blessings. It has shone throughout her whole life.