
淅瀝雨聲(In the pattering rain)

     喜歡在雨中徜徉山林,淅瀝聲中,萬象為水,水為萬象;耳中滿是簌簌雨聲和打在樹葉上的水滴聲音, 可內心卻無比寧靜,仔細看著田田的葉子上佈滿晶瑩璀璨的水珠,如同晶亮剔透的寶石,可賞,卻不需擁有; 可遇,卻不可留, 就如我們在地上倏忽的一生。憶起唐朝詩人白居易的花非花詩中的最後兩句....


     I like wandering in the forest in the rain. With the sound of drizzling rain, the water poured over the surroundings yet nurtured the earth. I heard nothing but the pattering rain in which I quietly watched the beautiful world of water. My soul was entirely in peace. I closely watched the water droplets on the leaves. They were crystal clear and liked twinkling gems.‎ I could only keep their imagery as possible in my mind, but I didn't need to collect or possess them. They came and went in a second, like our short earthly stay. I recalled the last two verses of Bai Juyi's poem "A Flower in Haze"... 

   She came like a vernal dream that could not stay.
   She went like a morning cloud that left no trace. 
  (A renowned Chinese poet BaiJuyi of Tang Dynasty 772-846)